Wednesday, June 16, 2010

48 hours!

In 48 hours (YES I SAID FORTYEIGHT!) I will be in PDX checking in. This has been such a good week! I have gotten the chance to spend some really good time with some friends before I take off and I have gotten a lot of stuff done. But above all that, I am blown away by God amazingness (I don’t care if it isn’t a real word), provision, and love right now! Yesterday I got a $25 cash donation and I decided that since it wouldn’t get processed and make it into the updated support letter that I get every Wednesday, I would just wait until today to put it into my fund. I get up a little bit ago and hurriedly turn on my computer and get onto my email. For some reason my whole email froze and I had to sit there waiting for it to load for almost 3 minutes. It was torture! But then it finally loaded and I opened the email. I have $3,545 in my account. So I added the $25 that I got yesterday and I have…..*drum role please*…….$3,570! That is EXACTLY what I need to go! How amazing is that? My prayer has been that God would bring in all my money before I leave and He did, to the dollar. I could not have imagined a better way to start my day then go wake up and get the news I have been waiting for. Praise God!

In other news, yesterday I went shopping with my mom and our good fiend on a mission to find a rain coat and some wind pants (for performances in Ireland). I found them both for amazing deals. My coat was originally $100 and I got it for $36 and the pants were only $20. On top of those amazing finds I also got a new sleeping bag. I wasn’t going to ask for it, but my wonderful mother decided that I “needed it” so I did not object *smiles*. It was originally $120 and I got it for $60. It is really nice and fits into a smaller stuff sack then any of the other bag that we have so that will be great for packing.
The chances of me making that 10am flight on Friday are still looking good. Thanks for your prayers about that.
Yesterday was a full day of shopping and packing. This is what my bed looked like at 11 o’clock last night

Almost everything is in it’s zip-lock bag and is not in one of my two cardboard boxes. I can’t remember if I have mentioned that yes…anyway, the way the Royal Servants does things is very practical. Everyone packs all there things for the summer into plastic bags and then puts them into boxes which we bring to Illinois. Once we get there they will give every person the same “blue pack” and that is where all our stuff has to fit. Now everything from my sleeping mat to my dishes to my bag of socks is in boxes. I only have a few last minute things to get together before Friday.

I’m going to spend these last two days with my family. We are going to celebrate Father’s Day together tomorrow night since I will not be here for the actual occasion and then I’m off in the morning.

I hope to make one more short post before I leave, but if I don’t thank you all for your prayers and support through this journey. I will do my best to keep you updated on everything that of experience in these next six weeks. I hope to write some letters home and then have someone post them to my blog for all to read.
If anyone would like to write me while I’m at Training camp you can send them to this address:
Reign Ministries
c/o Living Springs Camp
My Name Here
14253 E Epworth Spring Rd
Lewistown IL 61542-8427

I love getting mail while I’m away and it will help any home-sickness stay way. The only other thing I have to tell you is that I will be having my mentor or someone in my family updating my blog while I’m at training camp. So I will be having someone else sending out the notifications and updates. I will try and give them prayer requests to put up as well.

Thank you all so much for being a part of my life!
See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larisa!
    The McNaught's finally figured out how to find your blog... must have been user error!
    Praise the Lord for his EXACT provision! We will be praying for you as you travel and minister this summer - have a great time!
