Friday, April 30, 2010


I chose to call this blog "Testing My Faith" because it seem that that is what God is doing in me this year. One thing after another has brought me to my knees before Him asking what He has planned for me. Sometimes I was in tears, other times I couldn't stop laughing, but whatever the situation I have learned that He really does have a great plan for my life.

I am starting this blog to keep anyone who cares up to date on my prep for my summer. I will be going on a mission trip to Ireland this year for 4 weeks. The trip will be 6 weeks total and I am so excited to see God challenge me. I am tired of being a comfortable Christian. Tired of being in my comfort zone. I want everything I know to be taken away so that all I am left with is my God to lean on for strength and guidance. I know that He will answer this prayer as I give myself more to Him.

Please join me in prayer for all He will do in and through me this summer. I will be keeping this up to date with the changes and challenges that I come across.